HI I have had burning mouth syndrome for 10 years, had a complete hysterectomy when I was 51, like 3 years later I started having burning mouth syndrome I have generalized anxiety And my dentist gave me a mouth guard she said I deeply clench my teeth at night I do take a Benzopines to alleviate the pain I even went to Dermotologist no infections I do get vitamin B12 shots every 3 months it usually comes and goes I started taking 5 mg of Crestor but I already had this condition I have acid reflex I take nexium but not that much I will be 64 yrs old I hope it goes away Its very annoying and uncomfortable thank you I would appreciate some feedback if someone out there has this condition thank you💝
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Post Edited By Moderator (straydog) : 1/28/2018 7:29:55 AM (GMT-7)