Posted 6/1/2018 12:11 PM (GMT 0)
Hi Treyb & welcome to the forum. Sorry to read about what you are dealing with. As you know Fentanyl has been in the spotlight for quite some time & has been given a lot of media coverage. Calling a politician will not yield help. They are also pushing the opioid crisis, its in the papers daily. Your dr was being monitored for quite some time before the DEA audited him. The dr should be looking at putting you on an extended release pain medication with something for break through pain. If he intends on giving you nothing but IR's meds he is doing you a great disservice. The CDC recommends this protocol to help with misuse/diversion of pain medications.
You asked about a pain pump. You should discuss this with him. With as much surgery you have had I do not understand why a pump wasn't discussed instead of an SCS unit. We have not had many success stories here over the years with the SCS units. A trial has to be done for a pump to see if you are a candidate or not. The medication used in a pain pump is much more stronger than any oral medication a person can take. This is why people end up on less pain medication with a pump.
A pump is certainly something to discuss with your dr. Keep us posted.