I had my first resection this past July. I was in the hospital for 8 days total. As everyone else has said, I think pain is different for everyone. I was on dilaudid and vicodin in the hospital which was ok but not really the relief I was looking for. Demerol is what works for me, but my surgeon doesn't like to use it and I refused morophine because I don't like the way it makes me feel. When I came home I was only on the vicodin and when the script
was gone I was done..so I think it lasted about
10 days. I like to think I have a pretty high tolerance for pain so I rarely take pain meds plus I have a 2 year old that I couldn't take care of while all drugged up. LOL!! As for cleaning your incision, just use regular soap and water. Make sure you get it completely dry after cleaning it and don't put anything else on it unless directed by your dr.
Take your time relaxing and recovering -- you will need to build your way back up to being "normal". I still have some achiness in my incision if I over do it and it's been 5 months since my surgery. Take care!