I don't know you, but you have to be a great friend to even post a question like this.
Just being there is sometimes better than saying anything or offering any suggestions.
I know when I was sick and especially when I was in the hospital (7 surgeries within a year and a half) sometimes I didn't even want to talk, but it comforted me knowing someone was beside my bed.
It also helped me to focus on the future - when I was better. Yes, I did not know when that would be or how long it would take, but it was my drive to get better. To talk about things I would do and places I would go. You could do this with your friend. If you focus on the negative it only brings you down, so talk about positive stuff.
Also, you don't have to talk about UC or CD. It is bad enough that your friend feels bad, she doesn't need others telling her more about it. So talk about things you both enjoy and just be friends without even bringing up the disease.
I am sure most of us need more friends like you who care and want to help!