Hi. My 17 yr old daughter started flaring at the end of Dec. Her flares are always bloody dir. She was dx in 2003 with crohns/colitis. This is her 2nd flare since dx. Tried 40M pred. (didn't work), put her in the hospital for 4 days on IV steroids (didn't work). Started Remicade in the hospital, seemed like a miracle drug the first week and then down hill the second week. Last weekend she was up every hour in the bathroom. She had her second dose of Remicade two days ago. Since then she is still up at night about
every two hours in the bathroom. Not always with a bowel movement but always with gas and blood. Her sed rate a month ago was 10, in the hospital it was 35 and two days ago it was 45. She has had blood in her stool every time she goes for the past two months. Her tummy is also hurting alot and she was nausaus this a.m. Besides the Remicade she also takes Fish Oil, Nexium, Predisone 30M, Multi Vitamin, Allegra. My questions are:
Is this all normal for a flare up?
Is there still hope for Remicade?
Is there other people out there who bleeds every day for this long?
Just want some input so I do not feel so alone.