Well thats the main reason for keeping on eye through the forms of blood tests is too make sure they arent putting you on too much. I am just making an assumption about
the counts since it would be obvious in my mind that if you already had borderline liver or kidney counts that they wouldnt go putting you on a full dose right off the bat. For me, my kidney counts and liver counts were exceptional, (Creatinine Clearance and Creatinine levels were exactly where they were supposed to be, liver counts were nice and low, which i credit to the fact i havent had a drink in 6 years, dont eat any junk food or food containing bad fats/cholestorol blah blah and spending my life in the gym) so my doctor didnt think twice about
giving me the full dose, and sure enough, my pre-Imuran and post-Imuran Kidney/Liver counts were unchanged, which is good...so in the case of you, i would assume your GI would have some reason to believe you dont need the full blown dose, and i think the only thing that would give your GI that kind of information is a blood test to see what your current condiitons were Pre-Imuran
brit tuck said...
I know my doctor mentioned I was in the intermediate to normal range, as far as the dosing. But I wasn't aware that could possibly be because my counts are already low. Do you think I should be concerned about that if the medicine starts working? Or just make to sure to definitely keep an eye on things? Thank you all for your help!