O'kay,so I know she is!! Long story kinda short...My friend Patty has chrohns,she's a Pediatrician,was very sick last year,because she was trying to "treat" herself,actually got "kicked out" of the GI practice that I go to,so she switches doctors,she's very thin,like 89 lbs,I saw her yesterday at the hospital (seeing one of my inpatients),and I think she has lost more weight,she kept saying "everything is fine",she thinks she has a fissure,she got a sitz bath and some cream,and she said if it's not better by Monday,she'll call her doctor,I don't know if she will or not.She is an EXCELLENT Pediatrician,I guess when they are the patient,.the tables are turned,heck,I'm like that as a RN. So,should I just call her next week to check on her?? What would you do?? Thanks