ok ill elaborate because of all the other problems going on in my life right now i opted to go down the oral methotrexate road my doctor at the time faxed a letter stating the problems i was having with my periods and various other issues and that it would be more convenient for me to try the oral methotrexate i was also having problems with the ward!things just were not going to well at that time.
I then saw another doctor 2 weeks ago still no reply from my gastro consultant so i asked him to fax another letter called yesterday the same again no reply!
my crohns appointment should of been next tuesday but was cancelled due to a shortage of doctors it has now been rescheduld to june im at a loss do i keep pestering the doctors or do i wait until june.
As for the underactive thyroid i just feel so tired all the time and i ache all over gone from feeling crap from crohns now crap from the underactive thyroid!i just generally ache all over now but being really careful with what i eat because the only medication im on for my crohns is!
coedine phosphate
folic acid
required for pain relief,diahorrea,nausea,side effects from methotrexate.and thyroxine for underactive thyroid other meds include salbutamol for my asthma,menefemic acid for periods and anti depressents.Idont want to keep stalking the doctors either but then again im concerned about my crohns right now!