So when you say to people in your life (including Crohnies here on the board!) that you don't feel good today or that you've been sick lately...what exactly does that mean FOR YOU individually?
I know it's different for everyone since we all have different forms of Crohn's, different stages of Crohn's and just different symptoms of Crohn's. I guess I'm just curious to know a little bit about how everyone "flares".
And when you DO go through a flare period, do you always go see your GI or do you simply acknowledge that you're flaring and deal with it for a certain period of time? If you do simply acknowledge it as a flare, how long do you wait until you go see your GI for new answers?
For me, flaring means:
1) I've had loose BM's/D that make me sick to my stomach - usually 5-15 times a day
2) I've had a "spastic colon feeling" that day, which constantly makes me feel like I need to go to the bathroom
3) My bowels are gasy/crampy/icky/yucky feeling which drags me down physically & emotionally
4) I'm massively lethargic
5) My bowels have been waking me up several times in the middle of the night with loose BM's/D, exhausting me for the day ahead
6) Rapid weight loss in a short period of time which makes me feel weak and puny
7) Immediate cramping or loose BM's/D right after/during eating
8) Badly swollen ankles
9) Muscle and joint pain...all over body aches
10) Mouth sores
So what about YOU???