Thank-you so much for replying to my question, I really appreciate it! I am so glad to hear several of you were able to use midwifes despite your conditions. I'm not pregnant yet but hope to be in about
a year/ year and a half. I do hope and plan on a natural pregnancy and delivery, but I know there are no guarantees. I have a birth plan typed up already, only about
a page double spaced. AS far as me and pain meds go , or epidurals, I don't do well with any medication. Usually doesn't work or I have a bad reaction. Hence why I've gone all natural in all areas of my life and hope to do the same with pregnancy and baby. I agree with huckleberrie, midwifes are much better with birth. They view it as a natural process as opposed to an emergency or medical condition. But obviously if you are very sick or have a serious medical condition you should stick with an ob. But for me all of those conventional birth things such as epidurals, episiotomies and drugs would probably do me more harm than good. Obviously concerned about
baby too. But I believe each woman should choose for herself what is right for her and her baby. To each his own you know. Just keep in mind as women are bodies were made for giving birth naturally- no pushing on demand, inductions, or meds for pain. Interventions in the natural priocess usually cause other problems Just a thought. Once again thanks for responding. NikkiE