cbk said...
Mark- Is this intra-nasal spray prescription only?
Eli- I take two folic acids and a b-12 oral per day. if you do it everyday, you should feel a difference.
Be careful with iron supplements. If you are anemic from a b-12 deficiency but aren't aware, iron supplements will mask this anemia as they make you really jumpy. Also, if you're stricture or obstruction prone..iron can make things go through you even slower.
Also, when I started vitamind D supplements I noticed a change in my energy levels.
But for drinks, sometimes I buy Envigas which have roughly the same amount of caffeine as coffee. They are a lot healthier than Red Bulls and similar products.
The only other suggestion I have is maybe try a different brand of coffee. I recently found out that Starbucks decaff has the same amount of caffeine as regular coffee from other brands. The high amounts of caffeine may be your problem, not the coffee itself.
Yes the intra-nasal is Rx only.