indigosunrise said...
Thanks for answering my questions, Dave!
So far, my Scleritis has stayed away, but I just got off prednisone maybe three weeks ago. My Internist said that if it does come back, it would be better to put me on an immunosuppressive drug as opposed to prednisone again. THAT scares me!
With having posterior Scleritis, did your eyes get red? Or was the pain your clue that something was wrong?
I have been getting the "sinus" headaches off and on, and I have even had pain in my eyes, but it comes and goes so I don't know what to think. I do see my Opthamologist this Friday for a follow-up from taking the Prednisone. I am assuming they can see Scleritis, even posterior, by looking through a slit lamp?
To Brian,and anyone else who reads this who gets what looks like "pink eye", I just want to say, if you don't believe it is pink eye, get another opinion. When my eye problems first started, I was told it was either pink eye from allergies or dry eye. They originally treated it as such, then figured it was Episcleritis, then it got really, really bad in one eye and they diagnosed it as Scleritis and figured it was probably that all along.
Also, my health insurance has paid for all of my visits to my Opthamologist, and believe me, I have had plenty this past year! I pay my $15.00 copay and I have Aetna. I would check into your health insurance, Brian, to see if they cover eye visits.
Take care and let us know how your eyes are!
I also have some kind of pressure behind my eyes. I don't know if it is Stress or an eye problem. I don't know who to go to cause this is affecting everything I do. It's hard to concentrate. I can feel this all the time and have mentioned stuff to my GI and he says he doesn't see anything and the eye doctors don't either.