Hi all - I haven't posted in a long time, but thought I would ask this since you all have so much knowledge and experience. I have been in remission for a few years now - I love 6MP! I have a flare everytime the seasons change - I can tell when it is going to happen. Lately I have had leg and feet cramps really bad at night. I asked for some bloodwork and I should get those results in the next day or so. Any ideas about
Also, I did this last year and it lasted all summer and then went away and now it is starting back. I get these small white bumps around my mouth. They are right next to my lips - usually on my top lip. They look almost like tiny zits, but nothing in them. They come and go, but look bad and sometimes itch to the point that I make them look worse by messing with them. Any ideas what this is or what to do for it?