Hi Everyone,
Thanks Patti for reminding me to post...been so darn busy lately...actually spent the entire day on the boat for the 4th PLUS did the local parade in the morning too...Most I have done on the 4th in many years!
As for the LDN~lastnight was the 21st dose and I have just bumped up from 1.5mg to 2.0mg...
Watery D and bleeding have been going on daily esp. with my recent cycle, which is just ending. I am really curious as to what will happen when it is completely over and I raise the dose too...
Overall, I was feeling much improvement with pain and fatigue especially...the dose is perhaps too low (by the experts standards of what the therapeutic dose should be) and therefore I don't expect any improvement in rectal bleeding anyhow, but it's nice to not have the swelling, the low back pain and gas among all the other stuff we crohnies contend with daily...
Since I have started LDN, I have had the CDSA by Genova done and it was quite revealing...Seems FAT MALABSORPTION is the main issue and I just had 12 vials of blood drawn for vitamins and hormone levels which I believe will reveal much more...I will then decide what to do from here...
My new PCP whom I thought was sent from above, has now proven himself to be just like the others...He gave me samples of Lialda on our last visit (when it is listed in my allergies that I do not tolerate Asacol, in fact I am one of the few they claim have severe reactions) he is now 'mad' that I REFUSED to even try it...Hey doc, wait a minute! I was nearly killed by all this drug pushing and we still don't know if I have UC, Crohn's or endometriosis...Could even be as simple as no beneficial bacteria in my gut and be resolved by probiotics only...Geez, slow down, don't try to kill me again with your 'ego'...Quite a coincidence that I am his ONLY patient with this issue and the Shire drug rep just happened to come in days after I was there...Things that make you go HMMMMMM.....I haven't gone 18 months searching for the cause/s of my problems, restricting my diet and detoxing myself from levaquin among others poisons only to add another on top of it...I wish to do this naturally...Yes I have added LDN but only because I believe that my immune system has been destroyed due to conventional medicines approach. I will not go back there again...
So I am happy so far with the results of LDN (again, I have done nothing else different since starting LDN) I am having trouble with my eyes, sinuses and wierd headaches and joint pains, but I think it is likely due to the humid, hot weather here in Maine...Previous years I would suffer so due to the fibro and swelling and couldn't go outside, these symptoms are mild compare to past years...I am not complaining...I also think that menopause or hormone imbalances are playing a role here, hence the blood draw to find out once and for all...
Hope everyone has been enjoying the holiday and the summer so far...I feel like I am getting close to the answers I have been waiting so long for...I will post again, esp. when that blood work comes back, should be this week...
Thanks again Patti for the reminder to get my rear here and give an update...Anyone else care to share how they are doing on LDN??? LOve to hear from ya...