Hi All, I'm looking for input.
I've been flaring lately but still trying to travel in my car (30+ miles one way) for different reasons (with work being one).
Anyways, what do you all do when you HAVE to travel and KNOW you won't make to the restrooms??? ( not enough of them on the way to and from)
I'm actually considering some of my own weird thoughts ...LOL
(Like taking a bucket, have pants down, sit on bucket, and cover up with a blanket, oh god!!!)
I'm flaring, after almost 2 yrs. of being in remission, and off all meds. I don't want to go back on meds...but realize I will probably have to break down and go back to a GI. Having "D" about 15 times a day, with gas and bloating and a big loss of energy. Just don't want all the testing and trying different meds all over again (been there done that). I'm sure you can all relate!!!
Any travel advice??