I have crohns and was doing okay and like a light switch all of a sudden get woken out of sleep with diaherra, backache, pain. Im figuring it was my period because i knew it was coming. Seriously this happens to me for about
10 days a month. I m just about
at my wits end and can no longer deal with this. Nausea, vommiting, diaherra, backache, dizzy, cant eat, lose a couple of pounds etc.. It is like im having contractions everywhere in my abdomen.
Is anyone on pills for this or is there like some hormone i should take. Have appt with my gyno dr to go threw this with him. Seems like this happens every month or every other month. Tylenol mydol none of them work had to take imodium ad because this constant diaherra. I kinda thought i was in remission but then with this period 1-3 days before it even starts i have never felt worse. NSAIDS not supposed to take. Is birth control the only option? I do not want children and at this point i would like to donate that entire organ to whomever wants to deal with it because i no longer want it. I have been in bed for 4 days now and my period just started. so it will probably be about 10 days long and i just pray that the diaherra and nausea will stop and i can eat again. I was reading about dysmenorrhea and the protaglandins and swear this sounds very similiar to me. Any advice or help will be greatly appreciated before i lose my mind.
entocort, probotic, humira once a week, pentasa