I feel like when I see my primary care I have a ton of issues...BUT I really do and I think alot of it is side effects from medicines/medicine I am on or have been on. Not to mention my life right now, isn't peaches and cream(financially) but whose is?
How do I talk to her about everything I need or is wrong with me without her thinking Im a fruitcake, hypochondriac, or drugseeker....I just want to be NORMAL!
Here is my first problem......I cant sleep! I have terrible insomnia, it keeps me up ALOTTTT, and then if I dont get enough sleep I am sicker by morning. My mind just wont shut off or stop when I lay down.
2nd issue...this one is worse I think....Im SOOOO irritable, short-fused, impatient, and feel like Im losing control ALOT. I can tell its due to the pred or other drugs because I dont feel this way when off drugs. Im not depressed or sad. But sometimes I do lose control to where I will cry/sob. I don't have good coping skills, ya know. I quit smoking and can't drink but need something LIKE A FREAKIN VALIUM....cause I worry and obsess over small stuff. It will consume me!
(By the way, Im not bipolar/been tested.)
What do I need to be on to help me? I have a 19mth old who needs mommy to be okay.
and then I have the migraine headaches, my aching right knee, and another issue with my tonsils/throat, and now a constant (I think) sinus infection!
I JUST CANT go into my PCP next week and say hey by the way....and tell her all this without her thinking Im crazy!