HI, just joined 1st diagnosed with crohn's almost 23 years ago (while my wife was preg with our 2nd), and was medevac'd from northern canada to the big city for treatment. Met possibly the best gastro doc I could possibly need. Regretably I have recently moved to a new province but have found a great new gastro, unfortunately to see him i have to drive 3 hrs (well worth it tho). So to the question at hand;
Since being first diagnosed (and hopefully spelling doesn't count), Salazopirine, Mesasal, flagyl, Ciproflaxin, Keflex, no longer taking any of these. Also no longer taking prednisone the most EVIL of all the drugs and in such a tiny pill...Cataract surgery for both eyes, osteoporosis, full set of dentures, kidney stones, all thanks to pred.
Presently on Imuran 50mg 4 times a day plus lots o' vitamins/supplements and hi dose potassium, K is always low but really craters during flare ups.
Dealing with a fistula lower back pretty much north end of right butt cheek. Recently returned from colonoscopy (three hour drive, wife drove the return trip) P.S. I HATE COLYTE!! especially with a fistula
My new doctor has me in for remicade, fortunately the province i live in has a phama-care program to help with expenses, and waiting to hear from my company insurance for the rest. Everything I have heard about remicade seems to be great so i am looking forward to getting started. After numerous scopes from all angles and extended hospital stays over the years this has to be better, right?