Thanks for your responses...I do not have diahrea just a lot of cramping when I eat a good meal. I have dealt with the constipation as well but its from a stricture that seems to flare and
open every other day...Its just so weird I was doing so good. I was in the gym everyday...eating right walking, running....and then BAM an acute flare.
I think I am most dissapointed because Im young "28" and I see my peers living life to the fullest...working out staying in shape and really enjoying there bodies while mines reaks havoc...I started 6 mp 11 months ago and it seemed to be doing wonders through out the spring and summer but September 1st just like a year ago I was hit. I hate to give up but sometimes I feel like just applying for disability and going home to live with my parents and just say forget it...lock myself in a room and play video games for the rest of my life until I kill over.