Yesterday it was a good day!!! I saw my Gi and he told me that imuram is safe in pregnancy that he did his thesis PHD on imuran and pregnant women, i felt a relief, he also told me low birth weight and early delivery can happens if the crohn is active. He knows many doctors that are involved in research about
imuran and pregnancy, he will send me a article that his friend published then i will post here. I will be refer to a doctor that is an expert on complications in pregnancy and her interest is in cronh's colitis. Today i will go to my GP to sort out blood test, prenatal vitamins etc. I am not really happy with my GP, they should done this before according to my GI. I am taking iron tablets because my iron was low in august, but i need to know now if stabilise. My Gi said that 400mg is ok for me to take i do not need a high dose. My current dose of imuran is 100mg a day, before that i found out that i was pregnant was 150mg, my Gi told me for me to decide what dose to take, the dose i fell more comfortable, however even in a high dose 150mg is safe for the baby according to him . I decided to carry on with 100mg a day, i am feeling great and very happy
38 years old, 100mg imuran, probiotic, folic acid 5mg, fish oil, iron tablets.