Thanks Ivy.
Conorconan Very Good Question! Oh yes my thyriod is out of wack (have to take levo for it, my TSH is about
10 right now) and thank you conorconan for remembering to suggest this. (sometimes I am on autopilot, and please make sure that your are absorbing it) I took the pills got nothing, got it by injection/iv now works better TSH is slowly coming down.
Plus I think this hording type of crohns seems to strike in the early twenties, so I do not think it is a age related methoblism thing. Plus as suddenly and as hard as it strikes, most of the time exercising is far too painful (I mean get put in the hospital cause you are bleeding so bad). As a former marthoner I certainly would not have stopped exercising unless I absolutely had to. Believe me I miss it. I encourage if you can exercise, please do. But that is not an option for me right now. Plus I think part of the problem is that my diet is so limited in what I can eat (it is milkshakes, soup, and jello). When people double their body weight (in a year's time) something serious is going on, more then just age related decline.
Please understand that when you are overweight with this disease you are devalued much more, because you do not have typical crohns. Partly because you are fat, it is automatically assumed that you do not have severe crohns. So it would be appreciated it people could hold off on the judgement about
What is ironic is I am about
285 today and have severe malnutrition (just cannot absorb certain things).
Did you all ever wonder about a fatty tumor?