i hate prednisone more then the next person.
i have been small my whole 19 years of life...
im a newbee when it comes to crohns disease..
i was diagnosed in june 2006..
makes me puffy in the face.
and breaks me out all over my body...
and gives me the "im hungry" habit..so i tend to eat nonstop..
im 95 pounds and have a round face and i hate it more and more.
if it evened out thru out my body id be ok...
but it only attaches my my cheeks.
i was told that stopping cold turkey could really hurt my heart and cause adrinalin problems...
since i hate taking pills all day everyday...i have missed a few doses this week..
i experienced almost something like anexiety.
my heart would race and it would pound hard.
even if i wasnt moving.
i would go to bed and lay there still...
and my heart would pound so hard my bed and body shook.
thats the only thing ive experienced with missing some doses.
i am suppose to be taking 40mg everyday..
but mom secretly switched me to 30mg now..
hope all is well with anyone..
maybe someone who has crohns could give me pointers or tips on how to deal with it...
since june of 06 till this day i have had cramping and other issues.
no meds have helped.
ive been on a number of them and it seemed like the side affects were actually worse then the sickness.
i refuse to take remicade..cuz its like if it doesnt work..
imma still have to take it..
plus it has 6 pages of warnings...
all those warnings run in my family..
and im deathly scared of getting liver cancer or something else from those warnings.
so i dont wanna put my body in risk of getting them...when there already is a risk cuz it is in family history.
i just want to be normal.
i dont want this 2 inch lesion in my lower intestin by my opendix...
i dont want to go out and eat all the time cuz i wanna be able to sit and actually eat more then one green bean with out getting sick.
=[ yeah i can only eat one green bean...after that im in the bathroom..
but i can go to taco bell and eat a volcano taco and be fine.
i want to be able to attend the last year of highschool and graduate
i hate being at home..
i want my freedom back...
not to mention im tired of being poked by stupid IV's and half them not working cuz my tiny veins...
i hate brusieing..
i definetly hate...
not having my caffine..
there needs to be a cure..
theres gotta be a way to have a normal life again.
gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh holy cheese im rambling.