I am sick of being sick. I am having surgery next week for 3 more kidney stones. Two in the left and 1 in the right. i just had lythotripsy in august for kidney stones in right kidney. This time they are goin to go thru the uretha and do what they call stone manipulation with stent replacements. OMG, the stents hurt me so bad. But gotta do what you gotta do. Now for my CD....I have been having a constant flair since May. I have been back on percocet and steroids since. I am a recovering drug addict and know my own signs of addiction. I am having a really hard time. Im getting to take more and more pain meds. I find I cant function without them. My doc knows of my drug addiction also. He still keeps me on them. I go to the ER at least once a month for a few days in the hospital. I got small kids. I cant keep doing this. I am convinced that my CD causes all my kidney problems and such. I have had 2 small bowel resections already where they have removed 4 1/2 ft of small intestines, removal of the illium, gallbladder, and appendix-for reason of future problems. I also think alot of my pain is from built of scar tissue. I just had an colonoscopy a month ago. There was active disease but not what my doc wants to do another surgery for. I have filed for social security but that can take forever. I have been on social securty for crohns before in 2005 but it lapsed because I was in remission for the last 3 years and I went back to work and exceeded the amount that I could earn so they took it away. But now, I find myself back in active disease, out of work and at the hospital more than Im home almost.
Others here have had surgery. What is the pro's and con's of having surgery? I dont know what else to do at this point except remove the disease and hope for remission and time for my kidneys to heal. Im facing my kidneys failing again if this keeps up. I have a rare blod type-Rh-O- and Im not a good canidate for kidney transplant. But if the CD keeps active, its gonna ruin my kidneys. Wouldnt it be better to remove the CD than to put my kidneys in more danger of failure? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Im really overwhelmed with being sick all the time.