Hi everyone! I am starting to become a regular on this little site and it is great hearing from other people with CD.
I have struggled of late with a minor flareup again that brought with it some depression (always nice to get something extra. :) NOT!
I have decided I have to change the way I think about
this disease and the way diet may influence.
I have been doing research on this website, reading books, asking the so called specialist doctors etc.
After having a read of the website http://www.crohnsboy.com it really did start to dawn on me. I recommend having a look.
I have suffered with this disease since I was 16yo and I am now 35yo.
I have read the SCD diet, sugar eliminating diets, no bread diets etc.
What I have found is all these sources are valuable and I just take 'little things' from everywhere not just relying on one source.
I will be truthful, I have ate absolute garbage at times and have not really tried to eliminate too much from my diet because guess what 'I LIKE IT!'.
How stupid can you be?
After having a very thorough grocery shop today, I was amazed at the amount of high sugar, fat, chemical processed, food additives, colouring etc. I found in just about
all products.
I know this is probably not new to anyone here but it is really worth thinking about
and reminding ourselves.
Sugar is added in just about
every product you by! This even goes for breads, soups, fruit products, etc.
Try and find a product that is actually what you think it is!
The only thing that was actually 100% on what the package showed was the vegies / fruit department.
I was lucky enough to find a few organic products which had natural ingredients without the sugar.
If these products have been digested most of our lives what damage are they having on us?
How much sugar has been sitting in our bowels along with the chemicals, additives and other nasties?
Caveman days did not have a convenience store for them to get their food and society now has been adding to processed foods at an alarming rate with more chemicals and colourings so it looks nice and we will eat it because its tasty enough for us.
Back to basics where you ate things from the land and picked fruit from an actual tree seems to be scarce.
I don't admit to having any answers here and I understand diet is an individual thing.
But if it means investigating further and never giving up on finding a solution I will try it.
I am going to start today and this also means exercise, yoga, speaking with other people, finding anything I can to help.
I am also happy to provide you all with updates on this site on how I go and things that may help others with CD.
Let me know your thoughts and if you would like the updates.
Sorry about
the long message but thanks for reading. All the best to everyone.