Howdy all! I had a colonoscopy tuesday and the findings of it have thrown me off.. so here it goes!
I've been in "medical remission" since the autumn of 06. I was having D once to twice a day regularly. It became my normal so I thought that was how my body did it's thing. October of this year I started having pretty severe joint pain throughout both my legs, broke down and saw my primary doc. He did leg xrays and knowing of my crohn's disease and having joint pain associated with it during my last real flareup, he checked my sed rate. My xrays were fine but my sed rate was high.. so off to my gastro I go.
During the month of november while I was waiting to see my gastro my bms became more solid and didn't happen as often, but I thought it was from the pain meds my primary put me on for my joints. I saw my gastro december 2nd, he started me on a small pred taper for my joints and scheduled a colonoscopy for last tuesday.. which I went to. After I woke up from the procedure, he took me over to a poster of the intestinal tract and produced photos from my scope. He begins with a picture of the beginning of my large intestines where the small intestines meet the large, circled the area twice.. and started telling me about a "very tiny hole". When he got to that point in my scope, instead of an opening large to get the scope in at all.. he came to what looks like a wall. Literally. I don't even see a tiny hole. It's so tiny, it's not really visible at all. And this is supposed to be the opening to my large intestines... I'm kinda freaking out. I have a small bowel series scheduled next week to see what exactly is going on in there.
I know he won't know what's going on until after he finishes all his scopes and gets all his lab work back but what does it sound like to you guys? He did say something about maybe having to do an operation to fix the problem. So yeah, I know this is a giant wall of text, but any insight as to what to prepare myself for would be helpful.
Thanks for reading ya'll :)
PS. "Very tiny hole" is actually pretty funny seeing as I'm a southern gal and my doctor is originally from afghanistan. I absolutely adore his accent.