Well i was just wondering what others on here thought..i never know if I'm overreacting or not :( I've been out of the hospital from my last really really bad flare for about
3 months now...and well just recently I've started to have more pain, more diarreah, loose stools that look fluffy and close to being diarreah (lol), and small amounts of blood again...does anyone on here think it's a good time to call my GI soon? I just am worried i'm going to get so bad again and end up in the ER, which sometimes doesn't sound like a bad thing because i would get pumped with fluids and pain killers that give me alot of relief...i also don't want to go back on prednisone :( it never really helped me! i think the not eating for 3 to 4 weeks was what helped lol..and i really don't think this remicade is completely fixing me..am i supposed to be like 100% better on it? cuz i'm certainly not, but i am better than i was months ago...i just dont want to suffer anymore :( im so sick of this up and down every day..right now i feel like my intestines r burning...:( and the funny thing is i can't really go right now...all that comes out is small amounts of puss and blood and diarreah..ughhhh :( any advice would be great..everyone on here is so nice and i truly appreciate it :)
xoxo Audrey