I have a small ano-rectal fistula that is more annoying than anything else. My colo-rectal surgeon that I consulted with will not operate because it's too close to the rectum and he doesn't want to take the risk so he wants me on Remicade. I'm in the process of finding out what it will cost and if I can afford it before I give it a shot. For the past two nights I have been putting some strong antibiotic ointment and it seems to be helping heal it somewhat and cut down on the leakage to almost nothing. I was googling antibiotic ointment and fistula and I came across a multi-herbal supplement called Anoratab
http://anoratab.com/2/about.html Does anyone have any experience with this in helping to heal a fistula. My fistula is not that big and i'm willing to give it a shot as an alternative treatment. Any thoughts on this? Also, any experience with using the antibiotic ointment. Thanks