bektold said...
I heard recently that the whey (liquid yellowish stuff) drained off of homemade yogurt is very useful in gf baking. Gluten is a protein, and whey is protein, so I guess it helps to add structure that the gf flours lack. Does anyone know anything about this or have suggestions on where I should look for more info?
Bektold, YES!!! I've been reading about
this since Christmas from an amazing book (CrazyHarry told me about
it) called "Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook That Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats", by Sally Fallon. I actually made my very first lacto-fermented vegetable--sauerkraut--with whey from my yogurt a couple weeks ago! It turned out great!
You will not be disappointed if you buy this book! It has soooooo much valuable information in it! It's way more than just a cookbook. There are so many long lost techniques of food preparation/fermentation/preservation which our ancestors used... They were beneficial for multiple reasons, and this book explains it all!
Also, I remember reading a great article on this website explaining why current testing for Celiac Disease is inadequate, or not necessarily 100% accurate. (I'm sorry, I don't know exactly which article it was, but the site is a great one for anyone who wishes to read a bit about
gluten sensitivity.) The gist of the article as I recall was that even if you test negative for Celiac, you can be "gluten sensitive." The only way to discover if you are is to remove gluten from your diet and see how you feel. Here's the link:
PeteT, welcome to the forum!