I remember a week before my first birthday as a crohnie (I won't say what age as drinking is sposed to be a no no at that age lol) being at my GIs office and breaking down about
how much I hated not being able to celebrate normally - go out with friends to a party and have a few drinks and he turned to me and said that basically if I was feeling up to it there was no reason why I couldn't and from his point of view the most important thing was that I lead as normal a life as possible and that there was no harm in every so often drinking as long as I listened to my body and didn't drink to excess, he felt that if it improved my mindset etc it gave it more pros then cons vs the medication if that makes sense and to test my system out with a drink or two a bit before the event and that my body would tell me if it was OK with it or not. It was and I went out and had a brilliant time and I'm always careful and listen to my body etc but I've learnt not to let the fear stop me from enjoying myself as during periods of illness I like looking back and thiking yes at least I made the most of feeling well while I could.
On my 21st birthday I was really quite ill but as 21st is a really big deal here I was determined to celebrate it. I woke up early in the day so I could fit in enough doses of meds to make sure I was pain and poo free for the evening ahead, all my friends knew I wasn't quite 100% so no one was getting in rancid shots or dirty drinks, I didn't drink that much just enough to perk myself up etc and I am so so glad that even though I was ill as its so nice looking back on the pics of me and my friends dressed up nicely and me covered in 21st birthday badges and tiaras lol and having a good time even though it wasn't a 'crazy' night out, you're only 21 once after all!
I reckon try yourself on a small glass of whatever your drink is beforehand and see how your body reacts to it, hope you have a fabulous 21st whether alcohol is involved or not!!!!