I've got questions about partial bowel obstruction, and would appreciate your input! I'll tell you my story, and then I'd love to hear yours!
One week ago was my first Emergency Room visit for a possible partial bowel obstruction. Earlier that morning, I suddenly began cramping, but first thought it might just be gas or something. Over the hours, it got worse. The pain was constant with waves of intense cramping every few minutes. I was MISERABLE!! I ended up curled up on the sofa with a heating pad. After 6 long hours of cramping, then the nausea hit---along with lots of burping and refluxing into my mouth. When the nausea etc. hit, I figured I'd better call my GI.
The ER did blood tests, a urinalysis, and a CT with contrast. So many hours had passed by the time they did the CT, that my probable partial bowel obstruction must have cleared on its own. All my tests came out normal.
Have any of you experienced similar symptoms? Can a partial BO clear on its own? How do you know when it gets to the point that you should go to the ER? Any suggestions appreciated!