Posted 3/15/2009 6:42 AM (GMT 0)
Wells, where to start.
I was Diagnosed with Crohns when I was a few months away from turning 12 years old, I had experienced symtoms (Mainly blood loss, horrible stomach pain, Aenimia {Spelling that wrong xD}, Weight loss, Arthritis-like-pain, eye problems, That kind of thing. ) months before that, and had to be put on a ton of Steroids as I nearly died, which worked and I was Semi-Alright after that. I've had maybe 3 flare ups since then, One at the end of Grade 7 which I took Steroids for, one during 8th grade, and another near second semester of 9th grade. I was put on Imuran after that, as well as Asacol, Folic Acid, Iron, and a Calcium pill. I stopped taking my meds about a year ago, Since I've been in remission for almost 2 years now (I'm 17.) as they were starting to hurt more then help, and I haven't had a problem since. Don't know how that's working, but I'm relitively pain free at the moment so I'm happy.
That's not the best explanation of my past with Crohns and Meds, but I don't remember enough to go into depth. I mean, I've never payed much attention to the exact doses. I know I have to in the future, but yeah. Yay being a kid with Crohns? My mom's always dealed with it. =/
Now, my questions.
Recently, I feel like I've been really constipated. Which I know is common, but it worries me. It's almost a week sometimes before I have a solid bowel movement, and when I do the pain is pretty of there, and it's hardly what it should be. Is there something I should take to help it? Like I said, I'm not on any meds at the current moment, so I'm not sure. I've never been this constipated before, in the past it's always been I've had to go too /much/, and now it's like.. not at all? I find it strange.
Another thing, flatulence >.< . I've looked it up on this forum a lot, And from all the topics I see, you all say there's nothing you can do for it. It feels like I have a really bad case, but for all I know I have what's a common case =/. I'm a very /very/ self concious person. I was bullied a lot as a kid, which I can't complain too much about I geuss because most people have been. But with Crohns, all the things people used to bother me about have gotten so much worse, and I don't feel comfortable going anywhere sometimes. I have a boyfriend now, it's long distance at the moment but he's coming to visit me next month, and I'm to the point where I'm terrified to meet him because of my Disease. He knows the symtoms, he says he doesn't care, but /I/ Care. I don't want to run to the bathroom while we're in the middle of kissing, or be gassy or curl over in pain. I don't have to worry about the more serious things since I'm in remission at the moment, but more then anything the gassyness is worrying me a lot. He says he doesn't care and he loves me anyways, but it can stink really bad, and sometimes I just can't hold it in or it hurts really badly.. What can I do? How can I cope with that? Any married couples or people with a special someone want to share any tips? I appreciate any insight. It terrifies me, thinking of my future constantly being embarrased, although I know that's what it's going to be.
Now, my last topic. Pregnancy.
No, I don't plan on getting pregnant anytime soon, or anything like that. I pride myself on my morals, and even though I'm not religeous I believe in Sex /after/ marriage. Now with that explained, I want to know your opinions.
What's your take on pregnancy with Crohns? I've researched it a lot, I've always planned on adopting because I don't want to pass on pain. But I want to have at least one child of my own someday, maybe that's selfish, But I do. Everything I read seems to conflict. I've read blogs and medical information that say Being pregnant with Crohns can have some risks, such as miscarriage or certain defects if you're on meds.. but most of those are only if you expierience a flare during your pregnancy. I've read that right after your pregnancy, you expierience a horrible flare up, but then I also read that Pregnancy can be the most sickness-Free time of your life, and people have been fine for years after it. But that's not the biggest thing on my mind, I can deal with pain, what I've always worried about is passing down Crohns. Sure, they say what. 5-10% chance if only one parent is a carrier? But that's a big enough percent that it scares me. And even if my children don't get the disease, they then carry it don't they? Meaning I could be passing on pain for generations because I was selfish. So many mothers on this site have spoken of successful pregnancies.. which gives me hope. But I just don't know. Again, what are your opinions?
I hope everyone can give me some insight on these matters, I appreciate it greatly.
Thank you in Advance. ~