I started 6mp (50 mg daily) about
six years ago. The meds I had been on were not holding me in remisssion (I have fairly mild disease but was having fairly frequent mini-flares of 2-4days duration.) The scopes I had had for some years before always showed 2-5 visible ulcers in the cecum and visible reddish inflammation in the terminal ileum. 6mp took hold so gradually over the next few months that I really did not notice anything until one day at abuot 90 days I realized I had experienced a fill month of normal BMs with no apparent symptoms except for one occasion when I had eaten a spicy dinner, and that only lasted one day. The next scope showed only one small ulceration at the ileocecal valve, and during my most recent scope thje GI was poking aroind in the cecum and said "|I can';t find any actiove disease at all." He finally biopsied one small area that was slightly red. He has now stepped me down to 50 mg on alternate days, with the option to return to daily if I flare, which has onlyhappened once. So my experience has been very good with 6mp.