I never thought in my entire life i would need a forum for me, but now i just may. i am active in the hepatitis section because of my mom having hepatitis but now i just found out i may have chrohns disease. i dont know the road im going down but even though they told me not to worry until i know i am.
it all started friday night, i started having pain in my right side and it was constant until i went to bed then saturday night and sunday night was the worst and also on friday i noticed some red in my bowel but i thought it was the tomatoes i ate. Three times this year i had severe abdominal cramps with diarehha that i thought was food poisoning. monday i went to the doctor where they sent me to do a ct scan cause they were thinking stones. well they called me in so im thinking stones or my gallbladder and they said the ct scan showed minimal dialatation of the terminal ileum with thickening f the wall adn a few prominent lymph nodes along the ileocecal area and early stage of crohns disease cannot be excluded and should be considered.
so now i have to go see a gastroenterologist and get a colonoscopy done and im scared. im 30 and have a daughter. i dont know what to expect and i dont know how to handle this. when i heard this and read about it, it sounds about right with me. even without the test i am positive that this is me. My bowels are loose and not solid anymore and i go at least three times and still have the feeling i have to go. what i read about it scares me and it may help to hear from someone who actually has it.