I had one in last year, it stayed in for about
4 weeks. It's designed to work itself out, as the abcess heals from the top down. So, the "tail" on your drain will continue to get longer. If need be, you can have it cut - BUT, make sure your CR surgeon does this. I had a general surgeon cut it, and they cut it too short, and the drain receeded back into the abcess.
It was removed in the Doctor's office, it doesn't hurt, too bad - just sounds funny - like removing a suction cup from something.
Mine healed just fine, and you can only tell there was one there because of the slight scar present.
While it was in, I wore a panty liner across the back of my underwear, to catch the drainage. The first week or so, I wore surgical pads since I was draining a lot.
Hope all goes well!! Good luck.