Hi Penny, I'm in Yorkshire too!
I empathise with you're situation. In 1997 I had my ileostomy and total proctocolectomy. 3 months after I went on a 2 week holiday to Fuertaventura. I was really really looking forward to it, I never felt nervous about
anything, I felt well, no problems. Then 3 days before we were leaving I was hit with an sense of extreme dread. I'd never experienced anything like it. I cried like a baby at the airport.
Physically I was fine. I swam, played tennis and ate anything but I was still counting the days until I came home. I think emotionally it was way too soon for me. I'd just lost my nanna too.
I have a lot of problems with anxiety since on and off, and It's all down to 25 years of Crohn's. Don't be too hard on yourself. You went, you didn't have the best of times but you've been through a lot, give yourself some time to heal, physically and mentally. And if you need to talk here is the place. No subject is taboo. It REALLY helps to talk to someone who understands.
Gill x