Hello mydaughter, My name is Rebecca. I am 20 years old and when I was 12 I was diagnosed and, like your daughter, had been on every medicine possible and Remicade was my last resort aside from surgery. I was scared about
starting it because of the cancer and the TB and having an allergic reaction. When I started the Remicade I was on ALOT of medicines including Prednisone, 6-mp, prilosec, Elavil, and many supplements because I couldnt gain weight. After starting the Remicade, about
two or three months in, I got off the Prednisone(which I hated because of the way it made me look--I was in seventh grade and weighed 80lbs and had a HUGE face-it was horrifying), and then all the other medicines just fell away too. I was on JUST Remicade and in remission the entire time I was in highschool. I was symptom free. I called Remicade my miracle drug. Until recently I was doing great on the Remicade. I was on it for 8 years with no side effects, no cancer and certainly no TB(Thank God!!!)
I am switching to Humira soon because I just recently have started my second flare-up ever. I am hoping the Humira will work since the Remicade has stopped affecting me. I hope things go great for your daughter and I hope that Remicade will be her "miracle drug" too.
Lots of Hugs for your daughter!!!