The first thing I must say. Get out of your denial right this second! I've been diagnosed for 6 half years but had it all my life. and it's wasn't until recently I said. Ok I really have a disease and I can't ignore it anymore. I'm still pretty young, so I party hard core. From clubs.. to after hours parties (and you don't want to know what we take to stay up that long) My crohn's is now worse off then when I first was told. I am probably to be blamed for the way I am now!! Been on remicade, got antibodies and now suffering from arthritis. Just start Humira
Congrats on your up coming wedding. I too am getting married but in 7 months. (In Jamaica) and I had the same problems. Wanting to look normal for my wedding. However the doc wont treat me with pred anymore. Side effect are to much for me and my body.
I did entocort for years. It didn't help me much (maybe cause I was to busy partying to pop probably pills) But it really could be the med for you. And it could give you the chance to get off the pred, and look normal for the wedding, Oh and maybe avoid the bad side effects of the preds (not to say you would get bad side- effects, not everyone does) but why not try anything to get off the preds if you can.
When I did take them however, I never had a bad side effect. no dizziness,nausea. and no moon face ;) (I had gain 50 lbs from predz)
I suggest you try you and see if it'll be your med. I say anything is better then preds.
Keep us posted. Good luck!
congrats again on the up coming wedding! :)
Tracy xoxo