Hi, everyone I haven't posted in a long time but have been keeping up with everyone by reading the posts.
My question is --I've been off Pred for close to three months now and my body is hurting so bad and i am
exhausted all the time. Will the pain and exhaustion ever go away? I started having the pain when I started
reducing the Pred. and it is just getting worse. It hurts to walk, to try to bend to pick something up, i can't even
take a bath because i'm affraid i won't be able to get out of the tub. I went to the Dr. and they gave me Ultram
but it doesn't touch the pain. My husband has been great but I'm not sure he really knows the pain I'm in, I try
not to show my distress to much so I do my crying in the shower and believe me I'm not a cryer but this is doing
me in.
Thanks for listening and hopfully answers to my question.
(have to redo my profile alot of information has changed)