MikeB - Thank you SO MUCH for your post!
I have been freaking out alot lately too, about
my daughter's future with Crohn's. She's only 9 and doesn't have a clue as to the full implications of this disease. My husband patiently reminded me the other day that while reading and researching on the internet is helpful, supportive, informative, etc., you often read the worst case scenarios much more than the best. I will try to keep this in mind more often, but posts like yours really help.
MJS2 - This is not always SO bad. Here's just one example that I hang on to myself: After my daughter's diagnosis, my husband mentioned it to a few of his patients. One of them I happened to go to high school with (way back when). She said to him "Oh I have Crohn's too, since I was a child." She told him that she takes her meds and has been completely fine. Mind you she is now in her 40s, married, employed, beautiful home, 2 beautiful children. The fact that you were told you have a mild case is great news for you. Follow your doctors advice, consider dietary changes to prevent flares (gluten/casein free and/or SCD mabye), and TRY to look on the positive side of things. I have a child with autism, he cannot speak, read, write. That aside, he's gorgeous and the love of my life (along with my daughter). When I feel down, I look around at other people's lives...everyone has issues. Maybe not MY issues, but issues nonetheless. Life's not perfect for anyone, but it can be good if you can find the positives.
Also, maybe you'd want to consider exercise if you haven't already? It can really make you feel better and in charge of yourself.