Hi Jackie. My daughter is only 9 and was diagnosed with Crohn's about
six months ago, a week before her 9th birthday. She has tummy aches off and on still, and mostly diarrhea with she has a BM. Recently, her GI doc started her on Entecort. It is helping her tremendously. We saw a major improvement in BMs after only 3 days. The point is this: I have found that you must 1.) talk
openly and freely to your doc, if that's not working, find a new one. 2.) do lots of research and talk to lots of people on this board to get ideas (don't assume what works for everyone will work for you, but use the ideas as things to research, talk to doc about
, consider, etc.) and 3.) consider dietary changes. You didn't mention your diet. We have found quickly that certain things will give my child a problem immediately no matter what med she is on, i.e. tomatoes, soda, McDonald's. We avoid those things to avoid tummy aches. (Most of the stuff that bothers her is JUNK anyway so I have to admit that her diet is somewhat healthier now than before diagnosis.) Also, are you taking probiotics of any kind (capsules, powder, kefit, yogurt, kumbucha)? It is important to keep your gut colonized with healthy bacteria.
Hang in there. Keep coming here. It helps.