Would like to, but they are only giving it out at the health department. Thursday they had their first H1N1 shot clinic, at 1 pm. People started lining up at 6 am! They gave a 1000 shots and turned several hundred away, that waited for over 7 hours! So if that's what it takes, nope I won't be getting one.
I did get the regular flu shot (even that they are running short of). Thankfully I'm not on anything that suppresses my immune system right now, so hopefully that will help me. I'm also 31, so I'm beyond that young age that seems to be getting it extra bad. All things I'm trying to stay positive about. I'm also doing the usual hand washing, and trying to stay away from big crowds.
I am disappointed in that it isn't being made readily available to those of us high riskers. It's been running rampant here already for months. By the time everyone will be able to get the shot, it will probably be too late.