My doctor and I discussed Remicade a while ago and ultimately decided not to do it because the sudden, rapid healing of the intestines -- and resulting formation of scar tissue -- can actually be detrmental to someone who has problems with strictures (as I have in the past.) If, on the other hand, I had been suffering with fistulas, my doctor says she would have gone for it without question because Remicade is supposed to work really well in such cases.
Around the time I was first diagnosed with CD, my doctor at the time got me into Remicade trials (or something similar to Remicade ... I don't really remember exactly what it was) and I started feeling much, much better. I was not doing the SCD at the time and it induced an immediate 6-month long remission. I did not have any adverse reactions to it at the time, despite receiving 6 or so infusions.
So to summarize: I wouldn't worry about
it. In fact, my doctor says that some patients experience very, very long periods of remission when on Remicade so you might be one of the lucky ones