Latest problem --- Crohn's is acting *okay* -- not great, blood in stool, but no diarrhea and no excess trips to the bathroom. Some cramping, some food issues, but better than it's been lately.
However, my joints are going CRAZY! Hard to walk, can't straighten my right arm out at all due to extreme elbow pain, knees hurt, feet hurt, hands hurt...basically inflammatory arthritis in full effect. Sed rate is 60...highest for me was 94 but still way above normal.
Been on prednisone since Feb. 09 - need to get off of it soon...bone density scan showed osteopenia (precursor to osteoporosis). Rheumatologist wants to put me on Humira to help the joint pain - says it would also help the Crohn's. But wants my GI doctor to say it's okay for me to take it before he does so. Called the GI, who wants me to come in for a "discussion" because he's against doing Humira.
Is it wrong for me to think they should just talk to each other, instead of bringing me in to talk about it. Their offices are LITERALLY next door to each other!!