Hi CrohnsDaddy,
My daughter did well, but it wasn't only on Entocort. She was and is on a very strict diet -- we don't think the one pill of Entocort, by itself, could have kept her out of a flare for years. However, a colonscopy earlier this year revealed that, though her stricture had disappeared and she has zero symptoms, there are still a couple of spots of active inflammation -- and her ability to absorb B12 has been steadily declining. (Gets B12 shots now.)
She recently used LDN to taper of Entocort, and next week will have labs done to see whether sed rate or CRP are rising in the last four weeks since she has been completely off Entocort. If yes, we look for another med. If not, before shouting halleluhah we have a colonoscopy done to confirm no inflammation.