I don't think it's a good idea to go off animal protein. Crohn's patients appear, perhaps more so than other people, to benefit from high animal protein diets. The SCD diet certainly includes a lot of animal protein.
If you look at the Healing Crow link, it suggests that a Paleolithic diet might benefit most people - a diet stricter than SCD, and higher in animal protein and fats: http://www.healingcrow.com/dietsmain/dietsmain.html
The SCD diet is not necessarily a low carbohydrate diet, because it allows specific carbohydrates like, for instance, in some vegetables and honey. However, for many people it ends up by being a low carbohydrate diet because they have cut out so much, like grains and starches and sugar.
However, the Dr. Wolfgang Lutz claims to have cured Crohn's a low carbohydrate diets.
No matter how you look at it - SCD vs Maker's Diet vs Paleo Diet vs Lutz diet - they all share one thing in common. They all focus on INCLUDING meat.