Hey all... here's my list
- Multivitamin (general catch all for deficiencies)
- Fish oil (for inflammation since i don't eat much seafood)
- Phillip's colon care probiotic (seems to keep my stomach quiet)
- some random supplement that has extra B vitamins, magnesium, and folic acid
I have calcium that i keep forgetting to take. I need to put it with the rest of my vitamins, since i am on prednisone right now and need the extra calcium. I also tried oregano oil for it's anti inflammitory properties; but it seems to cause me acid reflux, so that is taken out of the rotation. I'm experimenting with SCD right now to compliment my maintenence med of Asacol. I went into a second flare 2 months ago, since my first diagnosis of CD back in july '07. I've been told i'm a mild case of Crohn's, but the doctor wants me to go on Humira if i can't get out of this flare and stay in remission (he put me on a prednisone taper again). I'm finding by taking out the inflammatory foods and adding in heavy doses of probiotics.. i'm starting to bounce back nicely. I have to admit that since i got remission so easily when i was first diagnosed, that i got lazy over the past two years by only taking the asacol and not re-adjusting my lifestyle (eating fast food, stressing out too much,still smoking). So i give a big thumbs up vote for heavy probiotic and antiinflamatory supplement currently.