Make yourself an appointment with a reputable GI doc and get scoped. From what I've read, people experience Crohn's in different ways and to different degrees. I can tell you daughter's pain is in the middle of her stomach and she does get chills when it is really bad. The pain can be intense. She has screamed out HELP ME!
I'm the next here to get scoped as soon as I can get around to taking care of myself instead of always others. I've had pain similar to hers (lower right side in my case tho) since I was 15 years old. Told every Doc I've ever seen, been to ER twice in my life for it. No one has helped me or even ever guessed that it might be GI related. They've all assumed it was female stuff. Even removed an ovary. I'm 42 now and still occassionally feel this pain...maybe only a few times a year, but it's like being knifed. I'm assuming at this point that I probably have undiagnosed Crohn's (or some other related GI issue) and this is where my daughter inherited her disease.