Hey, I feel your pain, I am in exactly the same boat. I am a junior in college as an undergrad. I was diagnosed in Nov. of 08 and have been really having problems lately. I have normally been able to keep up but this semester has been a disaster. I developed a cold that turned into broncitis (most likely due to my immune system inhibitor medication-Imuran) I tried to drop a gen ed class but the process would have been over 2 weeks and it might not have been approved. I'm trying to pass the class but I'm doing horribly.
To top it off I'm a musical Theatre major so I'm always having prblems with the one thing that is my insturment. I'm getting scared that if I get sick or have a major flare up this semester that I'm totally screwed. I'm sorry that I'm not really answering the question but I was so amazed to hear someone having the same frusterations and fears as I am. Good luck and I hope that you get and keep things sorted out. Your not alone.
(I will say that I have found some help in being entirely upfront with my professors and when I am having health issues I find that they are more than willing to work with me. I just try really hard not to abuse it and they help me when I can.)
Again I wish you all the luck in the world. Your not alone and have support. :)