I would be afraid of giving her the n-saids.Call the dr. and let them know that she is so much pain . There is a website for parents of kids with IBD-It is dragonpack.com.Those parents have been through it all. My daughter is 12 with crohns-diagnosed at 10.I believe we even go the same practice if I remember correctly(geisinger?)
My dd started 6mp in September.She had been on Remicade and Humira.We did Prednsione as a bridge until it kicked in.Knock on wood she is getting relief.She went off Pred around Thanksgiving and is doing well with just the 6mp.I hope the same happens for your little girl.
I love the drs. at Geisinger.They have all helped so much.I have seen 3 differnet ones there(when our Dr. was out of country)and they have all listened to me and DD when we say disfferent things about her treatment.Call the dr. and see what he can advise to get her out of pain.
One other thing,my DD has stomach pain and nausea at times even when her bms are "normal" and it has been very painful gas.Our gi has allowed gas-x(we use the strips that go on her tongue)and it has helped.She is also on omeprezole(prevacid etc).Have these avenues been explored?
Hope this helps.
Mom to DD 12-6mp,omeprezole,Florastor,iron,calcium,multivitamin