Well, I am 33 and was dx'd with Crohn's at 20.
Mine is solely in the colon and I have major perianal problems.
I have 3 fistulas, all have failed to heal despite Remi and Humira. In fact, I developed the third one while on Humira!
My gastro and colo-rectal surgeon both say I'm the most severe case theyve ever seen. Should I be proud or depressed?
I have been with the same employer since the age of 20, and since then I have been on employee paid disability more months than I've actually been active. Fortunately the rate is decent, and my employer pays for my pension contributions during these periods. Yay!
I'm off again right now.
One of my fistulas just kills me, and although I got a colostomy to curb the inflammation, unfortunately I still have to go the bathroom many times a day. (Its all pus and blood). I never thought this was a possibility :( I think Im flaring as now I even awaken from a dead sleep 4 or 5 per night to go.